Tuesday, January 28, 2020

I love it when this happens . . . Teacher's paradise

I volunteer chess coach for a school and we have about 30 players every week. Today, a new girl in the 6th grade came for the first time. She played another girl who's been coming to the club for a couple of years or so. The veteran player ended up getting a Knight and Bishop checkmate (with the help of the opponent's own pawn blocking the King). I congratulated both on playing a good game and praised the veteran for the rare checkmate.

They changed colors and played another game.

When I was leaving the building and was by my car, the new player ran up all smiles and said, "I got a Queen for a Bishop!" I praised her for that and she just loved being able to tell me.

Piece values

pawn - 1
Knight - 3
Bishop - 3
Rook - 5
Queen - 9
King - zero - he's NEVER captured.

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